Beet, Pear & Ginger Juice is a great way to start your morning. If you are like me, trying to get everyone out of bed, fed, and diapers changed, then your breakfast comes last. I like making up juice the night before to store in the fridge and sip on while getting everyone ready for the day. This juice is earthy from the beets, sweet from the pear, and spicy from the ginger.
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Why I love my Omega Juicer:
If you don't own a juicer, you are truly missing out! Making homemade juices, nut butter and sorbets are some of my favorite simple recipes to make, and they can all be made right in my juicer.
This is the juicer that I use. It is from Omega Juicers and is the best juicer I have ever had. I have had a centrifugal juicer in the past, which was so incredibly loud. Don't get me wrong, I loved how fast I was able to juice fruits and vegetables, but I felt like the leftover pulp was watery, leaving behind a lot of juice. I definitely noticed this in leafy greens such as spinach and kale.
The Omega Juicer is what is called a masticating juicer. It uses a grinder to juice fruits and vegetables. Because of the grinder, it is a bit slower but there are many benefits.
Benefits of a masticating juicer:
- More quiet compared to a centrifugal juicer
- Can make nut butters and baby food
- Less oxidation therefore more nutrients are preserved and the juice will last longer in the fridge
- Can grind frozen fruit for sorbet
- Can remove all of the juice from leafy greens such as spinach and kale
- Clean up is so incredibly easy- probably my favorite part about my Omega Juicer

How to make Beet, Pear & Ginger Juice without a juicer:
- The first step in making Beet, Pear & Ginger Juice without a juicer is to prep the vegetables like normal, but chop them up even smaller. You will no longer be chopping the beets and pears to fit down the shoot of the juicer, but instead so the blades of the blender can really blend them.
- Second, place the beets, pear and ginger into the blender and blend on low. Using the tamper to help move the pulp around and ensure all of the vegetables are blended. Slowly turn the speed up on the juicer as more juice is extracted
- Once blended and very juicy, pour the mixture into a nut bag, like this one and squeeze over top of a bowl. Continue squeezing until all of the juice is out and only the pulp remains. Place the pulp in the compost or save for soup and pour the juice in a glass to enjoy.
Storing juice:
This juice can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours after juicing. Make sure it is in a glass container and the lid is screwed on tight. Not only will this ensure the juice stays preserved, but beet juice stains everything. You do not want a leak.

Interested in more easy and healthy beverage and drink recipes? Make sure to check out this Infused Water recipe along with this warming and spicy Dirty Chai Latte.

Beet, Pear & Ginger Juice
- 2 medium sized red beets, peeled and chopped
- 1 pear, chopped
- 1 thumb size piece of fresh ginger, chopped
- Chop the beets, pear and ginger so they can go down the shoot of the juicer with ease. Once prepped, turn on the juicer and juice the gingere first, beets second and pear third. I have noticed that more fiberous vegetables juice better and juicer and watery fruits help clean out the juicer.
- Pour into a cup and enjoy!
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